Ascend is incredibly grateful to be supported by major donors throughout Northern California who are dedicated to supporting outdoor education for youth and stewardship activities on our public lands. In addition to our amazing community fundraising efforts and support, these major funders are critical to our programming and ensure that Ascend is able to provide meaningful outdoor experiences for youth in Trinity County.
*The Rose Foundation
* The United States Forest Service
*National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance
*The Cowell Foundation
*Humboldt Area Foundation
*Community Foundation of the North State
*National Forest Foundation
*State Parks Department of Recreation
Our community is so lucky to be supported by these dedicated organizations and Ascend is incredibly grateful for the funding we have received to create inspiring programs for youth and adults in Trinity County. These groups provide critical funds for equipment, individual programs, and overall program support so that we can serve our community as directly and meaningfully as possible. We thank you for your profound contribution to Ascend and our community!
If you are a potential donor, check out our profile on Guidestar!